Mihaela Simionescu
Director, Centre for Migration Studies, Prague Business School
E-mail: simionescu@pbs-education.cz ; mihaela_mb1@yahoo.com
Research interests: international migration, immigration, energy economics, labour markets and international economics, statistics, econometrics, data collection and analysis
Background: Mihaela Simionescu (Bratu), Doctor in Cybernetics and Statistics (2013) and Habilitated Doctor in Economics (2016), Full Professor, PhD Supervisor in Economics, senior researcher with the 1st degree at the Institute for Economic Forecasting and Director of the Department of Macroeconomic Analyses and International Comparisons (since 2023), Associate Researcher at Prague Institute for Qualification Enhancement, Center for Macroeconomic Modelling of Romanian Academy, fellow at Global Labour Organization and Member in the National Council for Attesting Titles, Diplomas and Certificates from Romania (2020-2024), Member in the Scientific Council of the "Costin C. Kiriţescu" National Institute for Economic Research (INCE), Romanian Academy, Bucharest (elected in 2022), and a Member of the committee for RSAI Dissertation Award (2021-2023).
Mihaela is Professor (Full) at University of
Bucharest, Faculty of Business and Administration (since 2023), Full Professor
and principal Investigator at University of Social Sciences, Lodz (Poland)
(2019-2021), Full Professor at Social Innovations Doctoral School from Mykolas
Romeris University of Vilnius (Lithuania), teaching lectures of Statistical
Analysis and Econometrics for Scientific Research (2016, 2018), Visiting
Researcher at Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies in Rome
(Italy) (2017, 2018), Visiting Professor at Paneuropean University from
Slovakia, Rzeszów University of Technology from Poland, North-Caucasus Federal
University from Russia (2016-2019), and a Visiting Researcher at Romanian
Academy Iasi Branch- Institute for Economic and Social Research Gherghe
Zane (2015).
Memberships in professional organizations: Italian Econometric Association (SIdE- Società Italiana di Econometria), WINDS (Women in Data Science), International Regional Science Association (IRSA), European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Romanian Regional Science Association (RRSA), Romanian Society of Econometrics, General Association of Economists from Romania, International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research (IASIR), The Economic Society of Albania, Internet Society, Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations, EcoMod Network, International Economics Development Research Centre (IEDRC), and a member of Network of Women in Data Science & Social Science.
- Researcher ranked in the first 1% of the most influential researchers in the world, according to the database established on the basis of the 2022 citations in Scopus (database published in October 2023 by Stanford University in the US for the top 2% most influential researchers in the world from all fields) https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6
- Prize of the Spanish Association of University Teachers of Mathematics for Business and Economics for coordinating the doctoral student Javier Cifuentes-Faura and co-authoring the article: Effect of Transparency on Municipal Revenues and Expenditures in Spain, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, June 2022
- Finalist Researcher at Romanian Research Gala, the 1st edition, 2023;
- Finalist Researcher at "Science, She Says Award!", a prize for young foreign female researchers outstanding in scientific activity organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, 2023;
- UEFISCDI (The Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation) prizes for 24 papers that were published in prestigious WoS journals from Q1 and Q2 (2016-2023);
- Prize of the Romanian Academy Nicolae Georgescu-Roegen for 2015 for the book Competitivitate - Competitivitate Regională în Romania (Competitiveness- Regional Competitiveness in Romania) (with co-authors: Elena Pelinescu, Marioara Iordan and Mihaela-Nona Chilian);
- Prize of Competitiveness Initiative in 2018 for academic research in competitiveness with Elena Pelinescu, Marioara Iordan and Mihaela -Nona Chilian;
- Prize for excellence in economic research offered by Prague Institute for Qualification Enhancement in 2019 (Czech Republic);
- Prize Young Researchers in Science and Engineering (the second place) in 2021 at the contest organized by the City Hall of Cluj-Napoca in partnership with Prof. Dr. Rada Mihalcea (honorary citizen of Cluj-Napoca since 2014, Professor at University of Michigan);
- Prize The associate professor of 2021 offered by the University of Bucharest.