Wadim Strielkowski
Deputy Director; Professor, Prague Business School; Director, Centre for Climate Change; Director of Centre for Scientometrics Research
Tel: + 420603508627
E-mail: strielkowski@pbs-education.cz
Research interests: climate change; energy economics and policy; labour economics; international migration; tourism marketing; e-tourism; educational policies; leadership in business and education; scientometrics
Background: Wadim Strielkowski is a Deputy Director at Prague Business School and a Professor at the Centre for Climate Change and Centre for Scientometrics Research. He is also a Director of the Prague Institute for Qualification Enhancement (an institution accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic), and a Honorary Professor at the Ural State University of Economics.
Previously, he worked at the University of Nottingham (Research Fellow), Charles University in Prague (Assistant Professor), Czech Academy of Sciences (Senior Researcher), University of Cambridge (Research Associate), and University of California, Berkeley (Visiting Scholar). He also worked as a Vice-Chancellor of the Prague University of Economics and Management and as a Deputy Director for PR and Marketing at CERGE-EI Prague.
He received his Master degrees in Economics from the Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) and University of Siena (Italy) and his Ph.D. degrees from the the Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) and the National University of Ireland, Galway (Republic of Ireland).
Professor Strielkowski is one the mostly cited Czech economists distinguished by the numerous research discoveries, publications of enduring quality, best referred articles, phenomenal editorial work for various journals, and his exceptional intellectual leadership in social sciences and humanities.
Research metrics:
Researcher ID: J-6112-2017
ORCID: 0000-0001-6113-3841
WoS profile (formerly Publons): publons.com/a/1310007 (over 600 confirmed reviews, top peer reviewer (99th percentile))
Web of Science: 213 publications, h-index 34
SCOPUS: 255 publications, h-index 38
Google Scholar: over 9500 citations, h-index 55
ResearchGate: over 360 publications, h-index 49